Monday, August 20, 2012

Jesus Prayer- Prayer of Mercy, Prayer of Communion

Jesus Prayer- Prayer of Mercy, Prayer of Communion

To live the Gospel, to live into the Kingdom that Jesus proclaimed, we must move from the world of domination to the world of mercy. The nature of the Christ Mystery and the mission of Jesus, then, now, and forever, is the reaching of God's Mercy into all Creation in a way that makes soul healing possible for all. The teaching of the early Fathers of the Christian revelation was stated by Athanasius, "In Jesus God became human so that humans might share God's Life." Jesus came that we might live His Life, the Father's Life, the Life of the Trinity, and live it fully. (Matt. 10:10) In this way Christ is the healer, the One who reconciles the soul of humankind with the Divine. The kingdom of God is the realm of infinite Mercy, where Love is the only law. The law of cause and effect are transcended in a limitless potential of healing and forgiveness where the love of Christ the Pantocrator is ruler of all. In the realm of mercy the thief and the murderer can be welcomed "this day in paradise." In the historical Jesus and the mystical risen Christ all things are lifted up and offered to be healed and made one with the Abba, all things are reconciled in the Father, the Source. The mystical body of Christ continues this great work of healing the soul of humankind in the life of the prayer of mercy. We are called to participate in Christ's work as Redeemer and Healer of the world through a life of prayer.

The one who prays the prayer of Christ, is transformed in Christ, the grace of transmutation and transfiguration of our human soul is given in the journey of prayer. The wounds of the human condition, whether we bear them personally or whether we are we bear them for humanity matters not. He draws all unto Himself for this great redemptive work of soul healing. When we unite ourselves to Christ we are opened to His healing touch. When we offer the wounds of existence, the wounds of humankind, and all Creation in His name, they are brought near to His loving mercy.

For those who have come to know their need for healing, you are invited to call on his name in the ancient form of Prayer of the Heart known as the "Jesus Prayer."

"Lord Jesus, Son of the Living God, Have Mercy"

"Jesus, Have Mercy"

or simply

